HSAs for School Districts

What we do for school districts

We offer our Health Savings Accounts, free of charge, to all school districts in the state of Texas. If you have employees with High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs), we will administer an HSA program for your district and employees completely for free. This offer includes:

  • No per-user charge to the district
  • No set-up fee
  • No pre-funding accounts, like Flex Spending Accounts
  • District can send pre-tax or post-tax funds via direct deposit or payroll deduction
  • HSAs can be opened electronically or on site
  • Presentations on benefits of Health Savings Accounts to district employees

Is an HSA right for your district?

If any of your employees currently have HDHPs, such as TRS Active Care 1-HD, then we can more than likely save your employees and district money. Use our calculator to determine how much money we can save your school district.

As a credit union for educators and school employees in the state of Texas, we understand the issues you face every day. All of our products and services revolve around educators and how to make their life easier, both in the classroom and at home. We do the same for our school districts, which is why we provide free HSA administration. There are no per-user charges, minimum balance fees, or hidden administrative costs.