What can I buy with my HSA debit card?

Health Savings Account funds can be used to pay for out of pocket medical expenses, such as your deductible, co-payments for medical care, prescription drugs, or vision and dental bills. To view the full list of qualified medical expenses, visit www.irs.gov and view IRS Publication 502. If you are unsure if something qualifies as an eligible expense, we recommend consulting with a licensed tax advisor.

hsa store qualified

Qualified Expenses

Acupuncture Alcoholism Treatment Ambulance Services
Annual Exams Artificial Limb Bandages
Birth Control Pills Braces Breast Pump
Chiropractor Childbirth Contact Lenses
Crutches Doctor’s Office Fees Dental Treatments
Dentures Dermatologist Diagnostic Services
Disabled Dependent Care Drug Addiction Therapy Eye Glasses
Eye Surgery Fertility Enhancement Gynecologist
Hearing Aids Hospital Bills Insurance Premiums
Lab Fees Lactation Expenses Nursing Home
Nursing Services Obstetrician Ophthalmologist
Oral Surgery Osteopath Oxygen
Physical Therapy Pregnancy Tests Podiatrist
Prescription Drugs Prenatal Care Psychiatrist
Psychologist Service Animal Special Education
Speech Therapy Surgery Therapy
Tooth Removal Transplants Vaccines
Vasectomy Vision Care Wheelchairs

Ineligible Expenses

Childcare/Babysitting Controlled Substances Cosmetic Surgery
Diapers Funeral Expenses Hair Removal
Hair Transplant Health Club Dues Household Help
Maternity Clothes Non-Prescription Drugs Supplements
Swimming Lessons Teeth Whitening Veterinary Fees